Monday, October 24, 2011

New Meal Monday: Crash Hot Potatoes

I know, I know; this isn't a meal. Does it count that they're good enough to be? I'm sure I'm biased, because I absolutely love potatoes in any form, but these really are delicious.

Red potatoes have a nice flavor, so I appreciate that this recipe doesn't attempt to cover that flavor with butter and cream and what not (although, really, there's nothing wrong with a little butter and cream sometimes).

The other great thing about this recipe is that there is no measuring required. That's right, no hunting through your utensil drawer for that the elusive 1/4 teaspoon.

Crash Hot Potatoes
Adapted from The Pioneer Woman

You will need:
-red potatoes
-olive oil
-herb of your choice (in lieu of the last three ingredients, I just used Paula Deen's house seasoning found here)

Bring a pot full of water and potatoes to a boil. Boil for 15-20 minutes, or until they are fork tender. The baking time on these will vary greatly depending on the size of the potatoes, so don't be surprised if it takes longer.
Remove potatoes from water and place on a cookie sheet drizzled with olive oil or coated with cooking spray. Using a potato masher, gently smash potatoes so the skin is broken and potato resembles a thick pancake.

Next, drizzle each potato with olive oil and sprinkle with salt, pepper, and herbs (or house seasoning).
Bake them at 450 degrees for 20-25 minutes, or until the tops of the potatoes get crispy and golden and crunchy-looking. Everyone has their own version of ideal-crispiness, so use your own judgement.
Mine would have been even better if I let them go a little longer, but what can I say, we were hungry.

And that's it. They couldn't be easier. Or more delicious. I do believe this is my new go-to potato recipe.

Note: be sure to click through my page to the original post. The Pioneer Woman has amazing photos and a wittiness that I can't even begin to attain. You'll likely enjoy her version of the recipe much more than mine.

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