Sunday, June 19, 2011

Coupon Class...?

I'm just going to throw this out there. Feel free to throw it right back. But I was thinking...

Would anyone in the Sweet Home area be interested in some sort of informal couponing class? I'm certainly no expert, but I know several people have started using coupons after reading my blog, and several more have expressed an interest in getting started, but just can't seem to get going.

I know the idea of getting started can be overwhelming, and even though there are endless resources on the internet, sometimes people learn better in person. And maybe getting together and hearing other people's successes and failures will help you get started. I know that at least three people have said to me "teach me!" in the last week alone.

Because I am by no means an authority on the subject of using coupons, I think a meeting might be especially helpful for everyone, including myself. We might find that bouncing ideas off each other is invaluable. Anyway, I would love feedback on this idea. If you live in the Sweet Home area and have any interest at all in learning more about how to get started using coupons, how to maximize your savings with coupons, where and how to get the best deals, or anything else related to saving money, let me know.


  1. Great idea!! I would love to learn more!

  2. Yay! I'll keep you posted. I'm thinking the middle of July.
