Sunday, July 31, 2011

It's August!

I've been MIA for the last week and a half because we were on vacation in Mississippi. I didn't want to leave the blog without posting anything for that length of time, so I typed up some posts ahead of time and planned to schedule them to post during the week we were gone. Well, somewhere around 14,000 feet I realized that those  neatly typed posts were sitting on my computer, in their own little Word document... not scheduled to be posted at all. So much for planning ahead.

Because it is the end of July, here is my company contact list. All 31 names, as promised. The list is diverse and includes a wide variety of products and services. Some I haven't tried but would like to, some I use often and love, and some I've used but with less than satisfactory results.

  1.              Continental Airlines
    2.       Cetaphil (face wash)
    3.       Pepsi
    4.       Boudreaux’s Butt Paste
    5.       Angel Soft
    6.       Magnum Ice Cream bars
    7.       Lysol
    8.       Burt’s Bees
    9.       Gerber
    10.   Avent (the brand that makes my breast pump)
    11.   St. Ives
    12.   Airborne
    13.   Huggies
    14.   L’Oreal
    15.   Kashi
    16.   m&ms
    17.   Aquafresh
    18.   Emergen-C
    19.   Tyson
    20.   Pilot (pens)
    21.   Tillamook
    22.   Earth’s Best
    23.   Red Robin
    24.   Soyjoy
    25.   Johnson and Johnson
    26.   Formula 409
    27.   Lucerne
    28.   Foster Farms
    29.   Barilla Pasta
    30.   Dole (bagged salad and banana chips)
    31.   Cheerios

The first on the list, Continental, is a company I actually contacted yesterday. I figured that, because I'm still simmering over our awful customer service experience, I'll count it for August 1. I'll keep the list updated as I hear back from each company. Feel free to leave your list and keep me updated on your progress! For best results, leave the list in the comments of this post, instead of on Facebook, so it's easy to keep track of.

If you need a little help getting started, you can find a few tips for contacting manufacturers here. Good luck!

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